Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Today, I promise to work harder.

It's a New Year, and resolutions are again more popular than anything else (maybe even trending on Twitter!). I am guilty of having made plenty of resolutions in the past Januarys of my life, and I'm not even sure if I was able to stick to them at all.

This is the first week of the year 2011, and so far, I have not committed or resolved to do anything drastic. I want to go on a diet and get thinner and more fit, yes. I want to earn more while still being able to stay at home with my little girl, yes.

Oh and yes, I want to give myself a pretty decent makeover.

There are so many things I want to change and improve on. 

But this year, I resolve to make COMMITMENTS out of my resolutions. Not just make them a ceremonial right for another year.

And you see, commitments are not that easy to make, if you really plan to make good on your promises.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing to break a promise you made to yourself? I wouldn't want to have to go through that shameful situation, so I'd take it one step at a time.



ACTION PLAN: Take on a couple more online jobs, and manage my time properly.

I realized that ever since I started working from home, I've basically been cruising on work. I used to juggle an offline writing job and an online gig, but had cut down on workload...for well, I don't remember the reason anymore. I guess I was starting to get lazy.

And our family has needs, home mortgage, utility bills, gas expenses, Keisha... Don't get me started on the exhaustive list of stuff we have to figure into our budget. :) It's going to give me a migraine to last for a week.

I know I can take on more work, now that Emmie's with us (Emmie's our netbook). So at the start of the year, I took on a part-time writing project, which I hope would flourish. :) And since it's a part-time stint, I plan to take on another one.

Oh I know, this would take time away from my family. But since I am so blessed to be able to do work at home, I would work harder on managing my time as well.

Nothing is impossible for people who are determined to make it work. :)

What's YOUR resolution for today? :)

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